Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center
(Maiden name: Yuliya Gavrilovich)
(Maiden name: Yuliya Gavrilovich)
q: What do you do?
a: I've worked at the Gaylord Palms in Kissimmee, Florida for six and a half years. Currently I manage employment, which includes recruiting, hiring, and compensation for all the positions at the hotel.
q: What's your favorite part of the job?
a: Gaylord Palms is a unique company because we have a very “grey” environment. We customize decisions and actions based on the situation. It’s fun to have the freedom to make decisions and to have an ability to think outside of the box to truly make a difference for a guest, a STAR, or a fellow Leader.
q: What's the greatest challenge?
q: Do you stay in touch with any other UCF hospitality alums?a: While my department operates very smoothly, there's never enough time in the day. It took some time for me to realize that sometimes it’s O.K. to finish something that’s non-urgent the next day.
a: In addition to the many Rosen College alumni who work here, I also stay in touch with Jessica O'Boyle '03 and Oriana Guevara '04.
q: Outside work...you're most likely to be seen?
a: With my family. We are always out and about.
q: Your biggest accomplishment since graduating, outside your career?
a: Being a Mom....the most rewarding job I have ever had.
q: How did UCF prepare you for what you do?
a: I would have never been able to secure a position that I got after graduation without my Rosen degree. Relationships with Career Services and my professors have also helped me be successful in my current role.
q: Your favorite class?
a: Hospitality Law with Rosemary Krebs. She was a fantastic instructor and I was sad to see her leave UCF.
q: How could the hospitality program have been better?
a: The classes could be even more difficult, with more hands-on experience in food and beverage, rooms, etc. I have seen higher focus on practicum while recruiting at other schools and I would love to see that at UCF.
q: A UCF memory?
a: Long days! I worked and took extra classes to graduate early. Now that I look back, I have no idea how I did it and was able to have a life.
q: Favorite meal in Orlando?
a: Sushi at Amura. It might be something different tomorrow – we love trying new restaurants.
q: On your iPod?
a: Running music with a good beat for my running pace!
q: Little known fact about you?
a: I make everything from scratch including homemade bread and ice cream. We care a lot about what we eat and spend a lot of time reading up on latest research and creating an even healthier lifestyle for our family.