Marketing & Membership Coordinator
Boca Greens Country Club
q: What do you do?
a: Three different jobs all at once! I manage marketing, membership and catering for a semi-private, member-owned country club in Boca Raton, Florida.
q: What's your favorite part of the job?
a: I love to coordinate weddings! So much detail goes into planning a wedding and you get to be creative. I am in the beginning stages of hosting a bridal showcase and it's very hard work but exciting at the same time. I also love working at a Country Club because the food is delicious!.
q: What's the greatest challenge?
q: Do you stay in touch with any other UCF hospitality alums?a: Selling any type of event. In this hard economic period, no one is spending money like they used to. Booking a wedding at $100 per person is extremely hard.
a: I do! Laura Guelzow '08, Brittany Andrews '08, Sarah Wilkins '09, Jillian Kahn '08 and Erica Seypura '08.
q: Outside work...you're most likely to be seen?
a: At home! I just recently moved to South Florida and I only know a few people. I visit Orlando frequently to see friends.
q: Your biggest accomplishment since graduating, outside your career?
a: Living on my own! When I was in college, I did not truly appreciate my parents' financial support. But I am proud that I have made a pretty comfortable home for myself.
q: How did UCF prepare you for what you do?
a: It wasn't about the technique of chopping an onion or learning to prepare a financial statement. Even though I flinched at the phrase "Group Project," it really prepared me for the real world. Building relationships with people is an everyday occurrence. I work closely with our General Manager, Food and Beverage Director and our Accountant. There is no "I" in "Team" right?
q: Your favorite class?
a: Seminar in Quality Brewing and Fine Beer. It was not your typical college lecture. Not only was it interesting, it was fun and interactive. My #2 favorite was Yacht, Country and City Club Management.
q: How could the hospitality program have been better?
a: I wish they could have offered more "Club Management" style classes. Overall, I was very pleased with the program.
q: A UCF memory?
a: Football games will always be good memories! However, I will never forget the day that I moved to Orlando from Loveland, OH to start at UCF. Boy was that a change! It was the best decision I have ever made.
q: Favorite meal in Orlando?
a: At UCF: Pita Pit (Suvlaki). In Orlando: Texas de Brazil!
q: On your iPod?
a: My iPod is currently empty. My computer crashed and I lost all my songs!
q: Little known fact about you?
a: I'll admit it. I watch Teen Nick!
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