Meetings & Special Events,
The Ritz-Carlton Orlando, Grande Lakes
q: What do you do?
a: I provide service to clients by communicating their program -- including schedules, banquet event orders, room rates, billing requests and more -- throughout the hotel, ensuring every detail of the client's experience at The Ritz-Carlton is delegated to the right people.
q: What's your favorite part of the job?
a: Each program is so different! I've worked on everything from large corporate meetings to an Easter brunch for a co-worker entertaining her friends and family.
q: What's the greatest challenge?
a: Problem resolution -- communicating last minute changes, and WEATHER!
q: Do you stay in touch with any other UCF hospitality alums?
a: Jorge Chavez '07, Trel Delitz'06, Michelle Drabyk '07, Julie Noda '05, Jason Ring '07 and Ryan Tampa '07. My sister, Brianna Moore, is a current student at Rosen College.
q: Outside work...you're most likely to be seen?
a: At a networking event for the International Special Events Society (ISES) or Orlando Young Professionals, or in Baldwin Park.
q: Your biggest accomplishment since graduating, outside your career?
a: Becoming self-sufficient. I share an apartment with my boyfriend in Baldwin Park with the cutest little dog.
q: How did UCF prepare you for what you do?
a: The professors at Rosen weren't just teachers who got their knowledge from books. I learned a lot by listening to their stories of successful (and some not so successful) real-life experiences in the hospitality industry. Some favorites were Dr. Deborah Breiter, Dr. Wilfried Iskat and Dr. Tammie Kaufman.
q: How could the hospitality program have been better?
a: We had a lot of exposure to professional "experts" but recent grads could have prepared us more for our job search. They could offer more relevant advice such as don't pass by career fairs or manager in training programs, and tell us that realistically you need to pay your dues in this industry.
q: A UCF memory?
a: Football games...especially beating Marshall my junior year for UCF's first win in 17 games! Go Knights!
q: Favorite meal in Orlando?
a: Steak and chicken at Kobe with all of my friends!
q: On your iPod?
a: Everything from Britney Spears to The Beatles to Corey Smith and Pat Green.
q: Little known fact about you?
a: I've never tried ketchup, because I don't like how it smells.